How to Choose the Right Medical Malpractice Lawyer
With our thorough Strengths and Weaknesses Formal Report in hand, you are in a strong, knowledgeable and uncommitted position to retain a medical negligence lawyer in your area.
We suggest using the following selection criteria for choosing a lawyer:
- Check out the lawyer’s track record. Ask about their experience handling medical malpractice cases. Also find out what portion go to trial rather than settle. If the lawyer usually settles, the insurance companies will know that and negotiate accordingly.
- How about professional activities? Your lawyer should, of course, belong to the national or local association of trial lawyers. But it doesn’t take much to pay dues and join – check out whether he or she is an active member or holds leadership roles that suggest your lawyer has the respect of his/her peers.
- Evaluate references. Do lawyers you respect recommend the attorney you are considering? Are past clients satisfied? Is the firm solid? These cases are expensive to pay for experts and medical research. Make sure they’ve got the resources to support that kind of outlay.
With our Formal Report you can present your case to these and other lawyers, and determine if the ‘chemistry’ is right for a significant relationship, without signing or paying anything! You avoid prematurely entering into a legal contract — one that you might later find to be quite frustrating and expensive to terminate.
Lawyers really appreciate receiving a well presented case for review – it’s faster, easier and less expensive for them to decide if they want to take on your medical malpractice case.